- Annual Banquet this Saturday, February 17 – Still time to sign up Annual Banquet this Saturday, February 17 – Still time to sign up
- Sign up for Grob-102 special plan Sign up for Grob-102 special plan
- Feb 3 Board of Directors meeting- 9:30 AM – John Lubon
- Feb 17 SSD dba CCSC Annual Awards Celebration & Banquet – John Lubon
- Apr 11 Annual Meeting of SSD dba CCSC & Election – John Lubon
- Apr 14 Spring Cleanup at CCSC – Keith Kilpatrick
- Apr 21 Cincinnati Chapter of Ferrari Club of America Event – Maury Drummey
- Apr 21 Pot Luck Dinner Apr 21 Pot Luck Dinner
- Apr 28 Sailplane Weight & Balance Party – Chuck Lohre
- May 20-31 1-26 Championship Contest – Steve Statkus
- Jun 16 Cincinnati Chapter of Ferrari Club of America Event – Maury Drummey
- Jun 16 Pot Luck Dinner Jun 16 Pot Luck Dinner
Amazingly the field was dry enough to fly, but the rain started coming down. We were in the shop surveying the Grob-103 with Plane Captain, Chris Uhl, and all that was needed to get her back into service was checking the tire pressures and taping the elevator and ailerons. Luckily Andrew Dignan thought to stop at Home Depot on the way to breakfast at the Village Restaurant and pick up a half gallon of acetone, lacquer thinner and mineral spirts along with some shop towels. We made quick work of that and then John Lubon January 30, 2018 showed us how to avoid worrying about the rain by just moving the ship pieces from the shop to the hanger through the door. Larry Kirkbride helped by remembering that you need to lift on the leading and trailing edge of the root of the wing when you are installing the second wing (left).
With Charlie Lohre holding said wing up with his back as taught by John Murray, we put her together in no time.
Chuck Lohre ran around sharing his “Red Grease” liberally to whoever wanted some.
Ethan Saladin and Guy Byers were helpful with attaching the horizontal stabilizer.
Here’s a great shot of John Murray’s new “Tip Art” for the 2018 season. He was inspired by the Schleicher Christmas Card which used his boomerang motif. Good luck for this years season, John, you’ll have the best looking ship wherever you land.
John also was showing us how to do the weight and balance on a glider. The fuselage has to be at an exact level point indicated by having the tail boom precisely level according to the glider’s manual. John has done this so often that on the wall of his shop are the full-scale drawings needed to measure the angles. We plan to have a “Weight and Balance Party” on our April 28 crew day, so get your manual out and be prepared to know the angle of the dangle for your glider if you want to get weighed. Contact Chuck Lohre to sign up, 513-260-9205, There will be guidance in the next newsletter to help you gather the information that you need to prepare to get accurate weight and balance data for your glider.
Chuck Lohre shared the 1-26 Championship’s logo at breakfast on Saturday. Larry Kirkbride noted that the nose of the A and B models were a bit too long since Chuck used the E model in the clubhouse as his reference. How does this look, Larry?
Ladies and gents, I’m entering my 1-26 in the 2018 1-26 championship, but as a team glider. Not a traditional 2 person team but as a multiple pilot team. I’m looking for a minimum of 5 pilots to join TEAM CCSC. We already have a Team Manager and Spiritual Guru; OutLand Bob Root has agreed to provide coaching, leadership, and spiritual guidance to the team. He’s also charged with keeping the beer cooler filled. I’ll cover the entry fee you’ll just pay tow fees to 2 K AGL at the normal club rate. We’ve planned for ten contest days and two practice days so I’d expect each pilot to be ready to fly for two days and retrieve crew for two days. Really we won’t fly 10 days due to weather and pilot fatigue but we’ll accommodate your schedule.
I’ll have my glider ready in March and I’d like each pilot to take a couple of flights to get familiar with the bird and the instrumentation. I’d like each pilot to demonstrate a short field landing also. You don’t have to have 1-26 time in your log book. This Team CCSC is about having FUN and if we come in last lets just get some distance points for bragging rights. ZERO PRESSURE, FUN METER PEGGED AT MAX. – Steve Statkus call sign Buckeye
The requirements for the “A”, “B” and “C” badges have been discussed in the past two issues of this newsletter. By the time you earn your C Badge you should be ready or already have completed your Practical Test for your Private Pilot Certificate. If you have already passed your Practical Test and have not been awarded these badges, find one of the following SSA-instructors and show him your log book: Charlie DeBerry, Dick Eckels, Dennis Fisher, Jim Goebel, Joe Jackson, Larry Kirkbride, Brian Lewis, Paul McClaskey, Bob Miller.
Bronze Badge
The next in the series is the Bronze Badge, which helps pilots to begin preparing for the challenges of cross-country soaring. Here are the requirements for the Bronze Badge.
Complete the A, B and C Badges
Complete 15 solo hours in Gliders.
o 30 solo flights, including
o 10 flights in a single-place glider (if possible).
Complete 2 flights, each lasting 2 hours or more.
o 3 solo spot landings witnessed by an SSAI. (Within 400 feet for a 2-33)
o 2 dual accuracy landings without altimeter.
Pass a Closed Book Written Test Covering Cross-country Techniques and Knowledge.
You will already have the skills needed by the time you complete the Practical Test, you will just need a few more solo flights terminating in Spot Landings witnessed by one of the instructors listed above. But some may react, “Oh, no! Not another written test.” The good thing is that you can take the test at CCSC, you just need to get one of the instructors to administer it. How about setting a goal to complete the test before the weather turns good and everyone would rather be out flying than inside taking a test.
To help you prepare for this test The Soaring Safety Foundation provides a Study Guide listing questions and a reference to the help you delve more deeply into each topic. For instance, here is one of the questions:
Q1) A flat bottomed cumulus cloud with sharp edges
a) is a reliable indication of thermal lift
b) indicates a dissipating thermal
c) is not a reliable indication of thermal lift
Additional Bronze Badge Questions will be included in future editions of this newsletter, but don’t wait. The Study Guide serves as a practice test and in your library you already have the reference materials to review the topics that are not already familiar.
The board approved treating the Grob-102 in the same manner as for the past three years, so if you want to take best advantage of BG in 2018 you want to declare that desire and sign up. Everyone who wants to fly BG is asked sign up and prepay $90. For the rest of the year those members may fly up to 2-hour blocks as many times as they want with no additional Aircraft Use Fee. Other members will be charged $25 for each Aircraft Use and will be limited to 1-hour blocks. The Hook-up Fee, Basic Tow Fee and Altitude Index Fee will follow the Schedule of Fees and Dues for all pilots, only the Aircraft Use Fee and the flight duration limit are different.
This will be a big help if your goal is the C badge (solo flight exceeding 60 minutes) or Bronze badge (at least 10 flights in a single-place glider with at least two flights having a duration of two hours or more) or the silver badge. If you want to fly the G-102 more than four times or for flights lasting more than an hour with no additional Aircraft Use Fee in 2018 it is to your advantage to declare that desire by email to Jim Dudley. The $90 G-102 Fee will appear on your March statement, payable by March 31.
Our club has a tradition of celebrating the soaring achievements of members at a great banquet. All members are encouraged to join in this event. Bring your spouse, family, friends and anyone you know who would be interested in knowing more about soaring at Caesar Creek Soaring Club and enjoying a delicious meal. Here are the details for this year’s banquet:
WHEN: This Saturday, February 17, 2018 4:00 pm- Social Hour (Cash bar) 5:00 pm- Awards and Achievements for 2017 6:00 pm- Dinner
MENU: Choice of steak or salmon. Two types of salad, green beans almandine, baked potato, rice pilaf, seasonal vegetable, fresh breads, delicious homemade dessert buffet, coffee and tea. Two glasses of wine or beer included in meal cost. No need to select your entree in advance. Correction: The legendary Valley Vineyards Private Cookout is available only during the summer, so we will enjoy a sit-down-and-be-served event instead.
COST: $37.50 per person
WHERE: Valley Vinyards 2276 East US 22 & 3, Morrow, Ohio
Remember that CCSC has a requirement that each member complete a CCSC Field Flight Review with a CCSC instructor and get the instructor’s endorsement in his/her logbook each calendar year prior to acting as PIC of any CCSC glider (UOP 4.2-Pilot Qualifications). Your first CCSC glider flight of the year must be with an instructor. Take advantage of the good winter days ahead to get the requirement completed well in advance of the great spring soaring that is sure to follow. You will want to spend your time soaring then, not waiting for your turn to do the Flight Review. Also, check your logbook. Do you need to complete the FAR 61.56 Flight Review this year? If so, why not combine the two flight reviews and get both completed when they will not interfere with the soaring you want to do during the great weather later this year.
The most important piece of news is that the cats are all out of food and they’re not happy about the situation. I think the soft life has added to their girth such that mice are not concerned wrt the cats.
No flight operations Sunday due to the wet/soft field. Tow pilot Tim Morris and instructor John Lubon spent 30 minutes examining the field from 4 ft AGL, (approximate height of a golf cart seat) and determined that we had no more then about 500 feet of usable runway on either end. Standing water was abundant and as the day warmed up the permafrost melted making the situation worse.
Black ice took us by surprise a couple of times on the way in Sunday. In fact one car, two cars ahead of me took a detour into the trees on a descending curve heading down to the river. I got a new respect for anti-lock Toyota brakes as I slide past two 90 degree turns on my way in.
So the hangar doors were closed and those few Mighty 4th members who showed up spent some quality time inspecting the barn roof, from the inside. Pete Schraden, our own union carpenter, held forth about the methods of roof repair/replacement.
We bailed at noon and headed home to attack the list of honey-dos.- Steve Statkus
A tentative agenda for the upcoming meeting of the board of directors is provided below. Meetings are open to members who are interested.
Call to Order at 09:30 AM, 2/3/2018 – John Lubon
Reports & Statements of Officers
o Approval of Minutes from 1/6/18 – Jim Dudley
o Treasurer’s Report – Rolf Hegele
o Membership – Dick Scheper
o Flight Operations – Mark Miller
o Tow Pilots & Tow Plane Maintenance – Tim Christman
o Glider Maintenance – Steve Statkus
o Airport Facilities Maintenance – Keith Kilpatrick
o Capital Projects – Henry Meyerrose
o Airport Operations – ?
o Special Events (Banquet) – John Lubon
Old Business
o Revision of Uniform Operating Procedures (At the January 6, 2018 meeting the effort to find a compromise solution to the firearms issue was deferred to the February 3 meeting. Any change in the firearms policy will require an additional revision to the UOP)
o 1-26 National championship May 23-30, 2018 – Steve Statkus (Update)
o 2019 Sports Class National Competition – Chuck Lohre (Update)
o Website Upgrade– (Chuck Lohre has evaluated our website and has recommendations for improvement)
o Preparations for Annual Meeting (The Code of Regulations in Article V-Section 1 requires a meeting of the shareholders of the Club on the second Wednesday in April of each year (April 11, 2018) for the election of officers and any other business requiring shareholder approval. Have sufficient candidates come forward to fill the four open director positions? What other business requires shareholder approval this year?)
o Reconsideration of Termination of Robert Bohl (At the January Board meeting Robert Bohl (Account #4448) was terminated because he had not responded to several attempts to contact him about paying his balance due. No payments had been received since May 2017. Subsequent to the meeting payment was received for about half of the balance due. Will Robert Bohl be reinstated if/when payment in full is received?)
o Barn Roof (Leaks in the roof of the barn continue to threaten the structural members of the barn. Henry has obtained a quote to replace the main roof for $13K (material & labor) and the three small extension roofs for an additional $8K (material & labor). Materials for the three small extension roofs is estimated to cost about $3K, so the club could save about $5K if we do the work ourselves on the three small extension roofs. Will enough club members volunteer to join in a roofing project to make this a viable solution?
New business
o Action Plan for Delinquent Accounts (A few member accounts remain unpaid and the members are unresponsive to Rolf’s efforts to collect. Shall CCSC employ a collection agency for delinquent and unresponsive accounts or take other approaches to collect overdue flight fees & dues?)
o Schedule CCSC events for 2018 – (It is time to set some dates for CCSC events during 2018: Youth Education Week, Adult Camp, etc.)
o Request to operate Stemme S12 during Ferrari Club of America event at CCSC (At the January meeting of the board it was approved to invite the Cincinnati chapter of the Ferrari Club of America to hold an outing at our gliderport on April 21 or June 16, with the expectation that 15-20 of the members of the Cincinnati Ferrari Club who come to CCSC will take full price Introductory Flights. Initial publicity about the event has resulted in an inquiry from the Toledo Representative of the Ferrari Club of America, Rick Lederman, requesting permission to fly his Stemme S12 motor glider to our gliderport and land here. Will the board grant permission to Mr. Lederman to operate his Stemme S12 at our gliderport during the Ferrari Club event?)
o Is there more? If so, send topic information to Jim .
At the December meeting the Board approved a revision to the UOP. On 12/5/2017 that proposed revision was communicated to all CCSC members by (1) email to each active member with both the text of the proposed revision in final form and in a form that displayed in color all changes from the June 6, 2015 version; (2)announcement in the Frequent Flyer with links to the text on the website; and (3) announcement on the website Members Only page with links to the same two documents emailed to each member. Each of those announcements described the process for implementation, including the 30-day period for members to submit written objections.
At the January board meeting it was reported that 15 written objections had been received which requested no change to the firearms policy expressed in section 8.11. No objections were reported relative to any of the other changes to the UOP. Although strict compliance with the procedures for revising the UOP did not require withdrawal of the firearms policy change for just 15 objections, at the January meeting the board implemented the proposed changes to the UOP as approved at the December 2017 meeting and published for review for all changes except changes to section 8.11 pertaining to firearms. There was no revision to section 8.11 in the UOP currently in force.
At the board meeting there was a brief discussion about compromise solutions. Steve Statkus read a prepared statement describing how he felt a “Turkey Shoot” could be conducted to assure safety. Part of that proposal was that such special events would require preapproval by the board.
It was decided to defer discussion about the compromise solution until the February 3, 2018, meeting and to assure that all members are informed about the topic on the agenda.
Appeal: If you have an opinion about this matter, especially if you can propose a compromise solution which will be good for CCSC and satisfy most of the members, please provide your opinions, ideas and recommendations to a board member prior to the meeting.
The eleven directors of SSD dba CCSC are elected for three-year terms which are staggered so we need to elect three or four each year at the Annual Meeting on the second Wednesday of April (4/11/2018). This year the terms in office for John Lubon, Tim Christman and Brian Stoops expire, so we need to elect three directors for three-year terms to fill those posiitons. In addition, Steve Statkus has resigned from his position as director so we need to elect one director to finish out the two remaining years of Steve’s term. John Lubon and Tim Christman have each agreed to serve an additional 3-year term if reelected, but that still leaves two positions which must be filled by other members. If you would consider contributing your leaership skills to serving the club in this way, please contact John Lubon or any other member of the board and John will add your name to the list of candidates.
Brian Stoops has a new job which requires him to work weekends so Brian will not run for reelection as a director. Also, he has resigned from his Crew Chief duties so there is an urgent need for a new Chief for the Third Sunday Crew. Contact Mark Miller if you are willing to help in this way.
There are additional appointed leadership positions which are currently vacant where your skills and interests may match the club needs. Speak with any of the current directors and indicate your
A web-based process for facilitating swapping crew day assignments was announced in the 2/21/2017 Frequent Flyer along with instructions for using the system. This process is intended to help members find another member who will agree to swap crew duties for one specific set of dates. It is not for getting reassigned to a different crew for an indefinite period. Mark Miller is now the person who oversees crew assignments, so Mark is the one to whom you need to speak about a long term change.
Remember that UOP 2.2 CREW MEMBER DUTIES states: “All crew members are to report for duty at 9:30 AM and work until released by the Crew Chief. Each crew member is personally responsible for arranging for a qualified substitute in case of his or her absence. Scheduled crew members are expected to be present for each of their scheduled crew days regardless of flying conditions.” This new process does not relieve any crew member from the responsibility for arranging for a qualified substitute and informing the crew chief; rather it is intended to help accomplish that task.
As of 6:00 pm on 2/13/2018 there is one request for a member to swap or substitute a crew day.
Date: 1st Saturday in July 07-07-2018
Skills: Crew
Click Here: Sub/Swap
Open trailer – Schweizer, Gehrlein or equivalent. Any condition. Contact: Guy Byars
Craftsman Snow Blower 22″, Self-propelled, 2-stage, Electric start. $195. Contact Tim Christman (937)475-1445
Schweizer SGS 1-23, S/N 14, MFG Date May1950, includes open trailer. Has won vintage sailplane awards. Contact Thomas G. Bonser.
Note: See Membership Roster on website for contact information for all members.
Note: See Membership Roster on website for contact information for all members.
MINUTES FROM BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS (The password is printed on your monthly statement.)
CC: Steve Fenstermaker (cell: 937-581-7713) Tow Pilots: John Armor, CR Gillespie. Instructors: Paul McClaskey, Tom McDonald. Crew: Gerry Daugherty, Mark Hanlon, Joe Jaap, Kevin Price, Dan Beans, Jul Alvarez, D. Mattmuller, B. Sanbongi, A. Quinn, Michael Zengel, Waseem Jamali.
1ST SUNDAY – Training Crew
CC: Mike Karraker (cell: 937-830-0627) ACC: Mark Miller. Tow Pilots: Manfred Maurer, Norb Maurer, Dieter Schmidt, Andy Swanson. Instructors: Bob Miller. Crew: Don Burns, Bill Clawson, Christian Maurer, Ethan Maxwell, Eran Moscona, Dave Rawson, Joe Zeis..
CC: Dick Holzwarth (cell: 937-542-9612) ACC: Jim Marks, Bob Root. Tow Pilots: Haskell Simpkins. Instructors: Bob Anderson, Bill Gabbard, Jim Price. Crew: Bill Hall, Ron Kellerman, Brian Mork, Chloe Williams, Michael Williams.
CC: Dave Menchen (cell: 513-313-2315) ACC: Lucy Anne McKosky. Tow Pilots: Lorrie Penner, Gordon Penner, Instructors: Jim Goebel, Tom McDonald, Tom Rudolf. Crew: Dave Conrad, Fred Hawk, Dan Katuzienski, Mike McKosky.
CC: Maury Drummey (cell: 513-871-1998) ACC: Rolf Hegele. Tow Pilots: Don Green, Steve McManus, Dick Scheper.
CC: Mark Miller (acting) (cell: 513-235-6128) ACC: TBD Tow Pilots: Tony Bonser, Tim Christman. Instructors: Dick Eckels, Crew: Darin Caviness, Otis Lewis, Dan Miner, Tony Rein, Zach Siefker, David Whapham,
CC: Chuck Lohre (cell: 513-260-9025) ACC: Ethan Saladin. Tow Pilots: Guy Byars, Larry Kirkbride. Instructors: John Atkins, Joe Jackson. Crew: Edgar Byars, Ross Bales, Andrew Dignan, Helen Lohre, Henry Meyerrose, John Murray.
CC: Steve Statkus (cell: 513-720-8955) ACC: TBD Tow Pilots: Ron Blume, Matt Davis, Tim Morris. Instructors: John Lubon, Kat McManus. Crew: Lynn Alexander, Bill Barone, Mauricio Berrizbeitia, Richard Cedar, Shelby Estell, Jeff Grawe, M. Hosta, Keith Kilpatrick, Dan Reagan, Pete Schradin, Stefano Sinigaglia, Laviniu Tirca John Williams. 2018
Mar 31– 4th Sat Crew
Apr 29 – 4th Sun Crew
Jun 30 – 1st Sat Crew
Jul 29 – 1st Sun Crew
Sep 29 – 2nd Sat Crew
Sep 30 – 2nd Sun Crew
Dec 29 – 3rd Sat
Dec 30 – 3rd Sun POINTS OF CONTACT:
DIR OF OPS: Mark Miller
DIR OF FACILITIES: Keith Kilpatrick
FREQUENT FLYER EDITOR: Jim Dudley, Note: See Membership Roster on for phone numbers and email addresses for all members. Revised 01/04/2018 mkm