
Soaring Forecast provided by National Weather Service at Wilmington, OH

NOAA Forecast Map:

Surface Prognostic Charts

NOAA Satellite Visible Image:

Current GOES Eastern US SECTOR Visible Image
Current GOES Eastern US SECTOR Visible Image


NOAA Satellite Infrared Image:

Current GOES Eastern US SECTOR Infrared Image
Current GOES Eastern US SECTOR Infrared Image

Wilmington, OH Radar (National Weather Service)

Winds Aloft Animated Display from

Aviation Weather Center: METARs, TAFs, SIGMETS, AIRMETS, etc.

Lockheed Martin FlightService

Skew T Plot for Wilmington, OH from Unisys:

Skew T Plot for Wilmington, OH from UCAR

Skew T Plot for Wilmington, OH from UWYO


Thermal Index for Wilmington, OH from

BLIPMAP Forecasts:
Boundary Layer Information Prediction MAP or BLIPMAP’s are the creation of Dr. John W. (Jack) Glendening, Meteorologist. If you cannot see the BLIPMAP, you will need to create a login at the BLIMAP Home Page.