Crew Chief Manual
Take to the flight line and use as a resource. return to the club house at the end of the day.
This manual will be updated periodically and is maintained by the director of operations.
- Call 911 (if injuries are involved) – 5375 Elbon Rd., Warren County, Waynesville, OH, 513-932-7627. Advise type of occurrence, location, directions, and number of victims.
- Render First-Aid.
- Position two members at the entrance to provide directions and restrict access
(including the media).
- Shut down operations. Notify those flying if possible.
- Assign one member to be the Spokesperson and emergency services contact.
- Assign two members to be CCSC contacts with the family at the scene, hospital, or home. Coordinate actions with law enforcement or medical personnel.
- Assign one person to document accident information (times, facts, witnesses, photos, current conditions, etc.
- Secure the wreckage. Allow no one inside a perimeter area other than those necessary for occupant removal, fire-fighting, or rescue. Items removed for purposes of rescue of occupants must be retained locally for examination of Federal Air Safety investigators.
- Notify the following Club personnel:
President – Dan Reagan 513-476-4696
Safety Officer – Steve Statkus, 513-720-8955
Glider Maintenance (if appropriate) – John Dudley, 513-314-4823
Tow Plane Maintenance (if appropriate)- Paul Mcclaskey, 614-329-4945
- Notify the FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) (if required by NTSB Part 830), 513-979-6400, 847-294-7401 (weekends).
- If the aircraft is released by the FAA-NTSB and State Police, and it can be moved, move it to a hanger or onto a trailer.
- If the aircraft cannot be moved, cover with tarps and secure the scene.
- Club President to contact the remaining Board members.
- As appropriate, contact the insurance company (VP responsibility).
This Emergency Response Plan sets forth some considerations for allocating resources while dealing with an emergency situation.
- The Crew Chief will be responsible for implementing the Emergency Response Plan and will remain in charge until the responsibility is turned over to another member.
- In the event of an accident or serious incident, operations will be shut down for the day.
- CCSC members shall at all times be fully cooperative with all emergency services personnel and the FAA-NTSB. Response to any inquiries shall be made by a single individual selected by the Crew Chief to be the spokesperson. (Investigating officials will ask questions: only the questions asked should be answered based upon your first-hand knowledge. Do not respond with opinions, speculations, suppositions or conclusions.)
- NTSB part 830 controls the reporting of accidents or incidents. (Note: Aircraft damage and personal injury does not necessarily mean an “accident” or “incident” as defined by the NTCCSC may not have a requirement to report, although the Club has a professional responsibility to assist in any way possible.)
- When notifying the FAA (which is acceptable in lieu of notifying the NTSB), specific information will be expected. Be prepared to relate the aircraft make, midel, N number, name of PIC, name of owner/ operator, date and time of accident, points of departure and intended landing, location of accident, number aboard and nature of injuries, nature of the accident, extent of damage, and weather conditions (record weather data immediately).
- Dealing with the news media will only be through the spokesperson as appointed by the Crew Chief. (The spokesperson will not release the names of anyone involved unless they are certain that family members have been advised of the situation. Only state what is currently being done, do not assign cause or speculate on any phase of the accident. The news media can be prevented from coming on the field: it is private property).
- Crew Chief’s job description
- Open (for future use), Instructions on using
- Reporting requirements
- Currency, non-currency lists
- Pilot information cards
- Crew schedule
- Key locations and lock combinations
- Gridding recommendations
- Retrieval procedures
- Cone of safety
- Red tag procedure & communication requirements
- Aircraft and vehicle maintenance responsibilities
- Crew members manual
- Student pilot’s yellow training book and student training handbook
- ID tags
- Operations during non scheduled flying days
- Off site operations
- Uniform Operating Procedures
- By-laws
- List of fees and dues
Guest ride fees and forms
Limited membership form for guest rides
Aero recovery fees for land outs
- New member packets
- Emergency procedures
- Stroke/heart attack symptoms
- Members and contact information
Tow pilot contact information
Flight instructor contact information
Crew chief contact information
CCSC member contact information
CREW CHIEF’S Manual Index – 2014
- Crew Chiefs Job Description
- Instructions on How To Use PayPal Billing
- Daily Report Requirements
- Open
- Pilot Card Information
- Crew Schedule
- Key Locations and Lock Combinations
- Gridding Recommendations
- Glider Retrieval Procedures
- Cone of Safety and Set-up
- Red Tag Procedures and Communication Requirements
- End of Day Procedures
- Crew Member Manual
- Student Pilot’s Training Book & Handbook
- ID Tag Colors
- Operations During Non-Scheduled Flying Days
- Remote Off-site Operations
- Uniform Operating Procedures (UOP’s) (4/2014)
- Current By-Laws (4/2014)
- List of Fees and Dues
- Guest Flight Fees
- Limited Member Form
- Aero Retrieve Fees for Land-outs
- New Member Packets
- Accident and Emergency Procedures
- Motorola T5720 – Walkie-Talkie Manual
- Heat Stroke and Heart Attack Symptoms and Procedures
- Important Contact Information
- Crew Chief Contact List ( 4 / 2014)
- Club Officers List (4/2014)
- Tow pilot and Instructors Contact List (4/2014)
- Current Membership Listing (4/11/2014)
Vertex Handheld Radio — Essential Need-to-Knows
The handheld radios can play a very important role in safe club operations. Ground crews should have them readily available and know how to use them. Those flying 233’s should take them along.
The radio is a complicated … this guide is intended to convey the essentials.
The complete manual is in the Crew Chief’s notebook
- If the radio won’t turn on, remove the battery and reinstall
- CCSC Traffic Frequency is 123.300
- If stuck on EMER, WX freq or some other page, unlock the keypad (if necessary), press “ENT” key until “VFO” is displayed and times out, and then depress the transit buttom
- If you hear continuous static, first try momentarily pressing the black circular Monitor button on the left side of the radio. If the static does not go away, adjust the squelch per below
KEYPAD LOCK: Keep the keypad locked unless making changes to frequencies or modes. To lock/unlock the keypad, press “F” and then “ENT.” A lock symbol will appear on the screen when locked.
VOLUME AND FREQUENCY CONTROL: The DIAL knob on top OR the keypad UP/DN arrows can control the volume and frequency settings. Which does what depends on setup; DIAL is the default for volume control and the UP/DN arrows are the default for frequency control. With the KEYPAD LOCK active, you cannot use the UP/ON arrows. Therefore, it is best for the DIAL knob to be set for volume control {since that is used more often) and the UP/DN arrows set for frequency control.
- Unlock the keypad if locked (press “F” and “ENT”)
If the LCD screen does not show a frequency:
- Press “ENT” until “VFO” is displayed; wait “‘ 3 seconds for time out & continue with step 3 below If the LCD screen shows a frequency:
- Manually type in the frequency; alternatively use the DIAL or UP/DN arrows (setup dependent)
- Lock the keypad (press “F” and “ENT”)
Vertex Handheld Radio — Essential Need-to-Knows
SQUELCH: The squelch should be set as low as possible to ensure reception of transmissions from airborne aircraft. Set it to 1 if possible; if static is present, set it to next highest value where continuous static is not heard. Set the squelch as follows (steps below do no correlate with numbers in the figure):
- Press the “F” key and then the “ENT” key to unlock the keypad
- Press the “F” key and then the? SET key
- Wait~ 3 secs for the “SET MD” display to time out
- Rotate the DIAL until “SQL” appears (if not already displayed)
- Press the “ENT” key; “SQL” value begins to flash
- Rotate the DIAL knob to select setting (set to 1 unless receiving static)
- Press the “ENT” key to save setting
- Press the transmit button to exit
- Press the “F” key and then the “ENT” key to lock the controls
NOTE: You can override/disable the squelch by depressing the Monitor button on the left side of the radio for 2 seconds. Squelch is re-enabled by momentarily pressing the Monitor button.
The crew chief is responsible for all aspects of flight operations at CCSC for the assigned crew day.
- The primary goal is to conduct flight operations safely and efficiently so that at the end of the day the gliders and support vehicles are put away in serviceable condition so that the following crew can pull them out, pre-flight and began flight operations without undue delay.
- The crew chief should be thoroughly cognizant with his duties as defined in the UOP’s sections 2.1 and 2.2. These duties are found in the UOP section of this manual.
- The crew chief should be aware that guests on the field are his responsibility also. He is the spokesman for the club and should be aware that guests are potential new members and should be treated as such.
- The Gl03 & K21 have as a result of their design a possibility of damage if an inappropriate landing results in repeated nose wheel/tail wheel strikes
(sometimes identified as a PIO.) If such a landing occurs, the glider must be removed from service, red tagged and inspected before return to flight. The crew chief needs to hang a red tag and report that the glider is out of service on his daily report.
Instructions on How to bill a flight to CCSC PayPal account:
- Scan the QR code with a smartphone scanner.
- Select Flight option and amount.
- Select “Buy Now” Button
- Select Paypal
- With Credit Card
- Bill Me Later, is NOT an acceptable option.
- Fill out Credit Card information
- Hit Continue …
- Hit Pay Now.
- Guest should receive a confirmation number in an email. They will need to get into email and show confirmation to Crew Chief before flight is given. This does need to be done for each guest flight.
Alternative, use card reader
- Install “PayPal Here” app
- Casrd reader is in “PayPal Here” box in the top drawer of the cabinet in trailer
- Login ID and password are written inside the box with card reader
Each crew is required to provide a daily summary at the end of the day that includes:
- Number of flights,
- Number of guest rides and revenue received,
- Tow plane tack time at end of the day,
- Any squawks on aircraft or ground support equipment, red tags hung, or any other unusual events,
- Condition of the flying field, weather issues, etc.
This daily summary should be submitted to all crew chiefs, assistant crew chiefs, all members of the CCSC and SSD Boards as well as the Directors of Maintenance, Operations, Grounds, Tow Planes and Glider Maintenance, the people responsible for resolving issues will be aware of the issue the day it occurs so corrective action can begin immediately. A current list of contacts follows.
As of Nov. 2011 this distribution is being made via email which causes some problems due to revolving members and changing email addresses. It is anticipated that the process will be tied to the web site and the distribution list will be constant and updated as members change.
This list is updated by the business manager and will be given to the crew chief at the beginning of the crew day along with the crew member list. Any club member on this list must take a check ride before solo flight in club aircraft is authorized.
The pilot information cards are kept in the crew trailer. They contain: bi-annual data, next of kin information, pilot license information and aircraft the pilot is authorized to fly. It is the responsibility of the pilot to keep these cards current.
The crew schedule is distributed with the November newsletter. A copy follows.
Due to our resident personnel changes, the club has taken some steps to secure the facilities. This will change once new tenets are found and on the property. Until then the following applies:
- Clubhouse door: Secured with a lock box combo: 2-2-7-2. Within the lock box is a key to the clubhouse and the crew chiefs locker.
- Gas Pumps: The electrical service for the gas pumps is locked with a key. A copy of the key is on each tow plane key ring and also in the crew chiefs locker.
- Crew Chiefs Locker: Each crew chief ought to have a copy of the key to the locker. Inside are copies of all keys to the gas pumps, Kobota, gas cart, and tow plane hanger.
- Tow Plane Hanger: The entry door key is found in the crew chiefs locker.
- Office: The office has limited access to specific board members. It is secured by lock box. Contact the CCSC Secretary for access.
Copies of the grid recommendations for operating at either end of the field follows. These recommendations have been vetted by several crews and found to be satisfactory however it is up to the crew chief to adjust the recommendations as conditions warrant. By way of example:
- For high density altitude days every effort should be made to extend the takeoff runway length for the glass gliders. This can be accomplished by moving back towards the end of the field the takeoff point for the glass gliders. Care should be exercised to not violate the 45 degree cone of safety. Repositioning the glass glider take off point rearward may require repositioning the parking of the Schweizers and tow planes.
- The same applies to soft field conditions or for those times when the grass needs to be mowed.
- For landing at either end of the field, we observe a displaced threshold of about 400 feet. The displaced threshold is identified by a large yellow or orange cone. To further identify the displaced threshold, the grass before the threshold is being allowed to grow higher than the mowed landing surface.
Retrieval of gliders should be done on the South edge of the field regardless of the operating end.
- Keeping the glider as close as possible to the edge of the field will allow maximum landing options should multiple gliders approach the field at the same time.
- The wing walker should be on the landing field side of the glider facing landing traffic. If a glider is on final the wing walker should signal the driver to stop and set the wing on the ground signaling the landing glider he is in sight and should proceed with the landing.
- Continue the retrieve down the South edge of the field until well past the displaced threshold. Visually check the downwind patten, and the base leg both left and right before crossing the threshold. Do so perpendicular to the runway and as quickly as possible.
- If retrieving a Schweizer 2-33, use the field dollies to prevent damage to the non steerable tail wheel.
- At the end of the day gliders being returned to the hanger should be removed from the flying field as quickly as practical. Care should be taken due to landing traffic of private gliders.
The cone of safety describes an area in front of the glider when it is on tow. It describes an area that encompasses approximately 90 degrees, 45 degrees on each side of a centerline passing through the centerline of the glider fuselage. Any object in this area is a hazard during tow and every effort should be made to keep this area free of objects, other gliders landing, golf carts, gliders being retrieved, cars, people etc.
Red tags are used to alert operators the equipment is unserviceable or it’s operation is questionable. They can appear on gliders, tow planes, golf cartsi and tractors. Any crewmember authorized to operate the equipment may hang a red tag if they question the operation or determine the equipment is inoperable.
When a red tag is hung on the equipment it should include the name of the person who has determined the equipment is non serviceable, the date and a brief statement of the fault or suspected fault. The crew chief should be notified of the red tag and reason for it. He will include the details in his crew chief report at the end of the day.
No equipment should be operated with a red tag affixed.
Red tags can will be removed from gliders or tow planes only by the Director of Maintenance for gliders or tow planes or his designated representative. The Director of Operations or his designated representative has the authority to remove red tags from golf carts. The Director of Facilities or his designated representative has the authority to remove red tags from mowing equipment.
Additional red tags are located in the office and also in the glider hanger on the work bench near the crew chiefs locker.
It is the responsibility of the crew chief to ensure all equipment is serviceable before it is used and at the end of the day is returned cleaned serviceable for the next crew day, or if unserviceable a red tag is affixed and the cause for the red tag is communicated.
At the end of the crew day, gliders, tow planes and golf carts should be washed down (if muddy) and free of trash. Seat cushions should be returned to the trailer and the trash cans emptied.
All gliders with batteries should be hooked up to the chargers and the glass gliders properly covered when in the hanger.
In order to make identification easier, the following name tag colors will be utilized:
ORANGE Pre-solo and initial solo students
YELLOW Advanced solo students (more than 10 solo flights)
BLUE Private Pilot
GOLD Commercial Pilot
GRAY Certified Flight Instructor
All guidelines for safe operations on normal scheduled flying days apply to nonscheduled flying days; a qualified person should be identified as crew chief. This person assumes the all duties and responsibilities of a crew chief. It is imperative that any person who assumes this position be familiar with the duties of the crew chief position.
The normal reporting requirements apply.
From time to time, CCSC club members may transport CCSC aircraft to another location to set up temporary flight operations away from the home gliderport. This is done to provide CCSC members the opportunity to experience soaring conditions, such as ridge or wave, which are not available at the home gliderport.
Off-site operations may also be used to promote soaring in general and solicit new members. In general, such trips are encouraged by the club, provided they are conducted in a safe and organized manner.
Prior to transporting any CCSC aircraft, or other equipment, from the gliderport permission must be obtained from either the CCSC Board of Trustees, or from the day’s acting Crew Chief. For each off-site operation, a CCSC club member must be designated to serve as “Director of Off-Site Operations”. This individual shall direct the off-site operation and shall have the same authority as a regular Crew Chief.
The “Director of Off-Site Operations” shall maintain a record of expenses incurred and shall see that each flight is recorded on a CCSC Flight Record Card. These records shall be given to the CCSC Business Manager to be used in calculating flight charges.
Flight charges for off-site operations shall be calculated by totaling all expenses incurred during the off-site operation and dividing by the total number of glider flights recorded.
STEWART’S AIRPORT: Operations at Stewart’s either daily training or winch towing are not considered “remote” and additional fees do not apply.
THE RIDGE: The ridge is considered remote and additional fees may apply. Mileage to and from the ridge should be shared by the members using the glider.
CLINTON COUNTY: Operations at Clinton County Airport in the spring time will require an adjustment to the fees due to the additional cost of hangaring the gliders.
Caesar Creek Soaring Club
Guest ride fee schedule
3000 ft tow $100
Mile high tow {5280 feet} $150
- Call 911 (if there are injuries): 5385 Elbon Rd. Waynesville in Warren County. Give your contact number or have someone man the main number (513) 932-7627.
- Administer First-Aid to injured, and keep them calm.
- Have someone man the front gate to direct emergency personnel and restrict media access.
- Operations will be ceased, and announcement should be made on the radio of situation at gliderport.
- Assign a member to be a spokesperson and emergency service contact. (Crew Chief)
- Assign 2 members to be CCSC contact for the family at the scene, hospital or home. Coordinate actions with law enforcement or medical personnel.
- Assign a member to document accident information (time, facts, witnesses, photos, weather conditions, etc.)
- Secure the wreckage. Allow no one onto gliderport perimeter, other than emergency, law enforcement personnel, FAA or NTSB.
- Notify important Club personnel:
- Club Presidents (CCSC/SSD)
- Safety Officer/Flight Ops Dir. – See current contact list for numbers. Notify the FAA Flight Standards office in Cincinnati, (513) 842-9600, 4358 Ferguson Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45245.
- Once aircraft is released to F AA/NTSB or State Police, it can be moved to a secure location, such as a hangar, or trailer.
- If aircraft cannot be moved, cover with tarps and secure accident scene.
- Advise Board member via email (
- CCSC V.P. should contact insurance company on next business day.
Always remember to call 911
Stroke is a common and often misunderstood condition and its early symptoms are often ignored. Some brain cells deprived of oxygen die within minutes. Others may take a few hours to die depending on the nature of the blockage or hemorrhage. The loss of physical and mental functions is often permanent and can include motor-function disability. The most effective treatment for stroke can be administered if it is within three hours of the onset of stroke.
Although strokes can occur at any age, most stroke patients (two-thirds) are over the age of 65.
A stroke happens when a part of the brain is impaired from lack of blood, usually because one of the arteries that supply oxygen-carrying blood to the brain has been damaged. There are two ways this can happen:
- Clogged vessel or is chemic stroke: Caused by blockage of a blood vessel in the brain, usually by a blood clot or by fatty deposits on the vessel wall. 85% of strokes are ischemic.
- Burst vessel or hemorrhagic stroke: Caused by a ruptured blood vessel, preventing normal flow and allowing blood to leak into brain tissue, destroying it.
This occurs in 15% of strokes.
Know the signs and symptoms. Act F.A.S.T!
FAST stands for face, arms, speech and time, and is being used as part of a campaign by the Stroke Awareness Foundation to educate the public about warning signs of stroke and seek proper medical services immediately. If you think a person is having a stroke, call 9-1-1, especially if the person has trouble with these basic commands.
Face – Does one side of the face droop?
Ask the person to smile.
Arms – Is one arm weak or numb?
Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
Speech – Is speech slurred?
Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Is the sentence repeated correctly?
Time – If the person shows any of these symptom
CALL 9-1-1 immediately!
- Do not drive the patient to the hospital yourself.
- EMS caries drugs and equipment that can help improve the patient’s condition. They know the quickest route to a hospital with a stroke center! (They can save your life)
Heart Attack
Always remember to call 911
The warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack aren’t the same for everyone. Many heart attacks start slowly as mild pain or discomfort. Some people don’t have symptoms at all. Heart attacks that occur without any symptoms or very mild symptoms are called silent heart attacks.
Chest Pain or Discomfort
The most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. This includes new chest pain or discomfort or a change in the pattern of existing chest pain or discomfort.
Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that often lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes hack.
The discomfort can feel like:
- Uncomfortable pressure
- Squeezing, fullness
- Pain – The feeling can be mild or severe.
- Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach
- Shortness of breath – may occur with or before chest discomfort
- Nausea – (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, light-headedness or sudden dizziness, or breaking out in a cold sweat
- Sleep problems, fatigue (tiredness), or lack of energy
The more signs and symptoms you have, the more likely it is that you’re having a heart attack. Not everyone having a heart attack has typical symptoms. If you’ve already had a heart attack, your symptoms may not be the same for another one. However, some people may have a pattern of symptoms that recur.
CALL 9-1-1 immediately!
- Do not drive the patient to the hospital yourself.
- EMS caries drugs and equipment that can help improve the patient’s condition. They know the quickest route to a hospital with a chest pain center! (They can save your life)
Patients with signs and symptoms of heart attach should be connected to this device as a safety precaution
Always remember to call 911
An automated external defibrillator or AED is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses the potentially life threatening cardiac arrhythmias of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia in a patient, and is able to treat them through defibrillation, the application of electrical shock which stops the arrhythmia, allowing the heart to reestablish an effective rhythm. With simple audio and visual commands, AEDs are designed to be simple to use.
Crew chiefs and crew:
Take the time to locate and familiarize yourself with these devices
- In the club house in a Black Bag hanging on the wall next to the telephone
- In the crew trailer in a Black Bag hanging on the wall opposite the side door
Crew Chiefs manual
Directions for Oxygen use:
Equipment list
To deliver emergency oxygen, you need:
- Nasal cannula: Oxygen at 4lpm is recommended on patients suspected of having a Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) or stroke according to Adult Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) guidelines,
- An oxygen cylinder.
- A regulator with pressure gauge and flowmeter.
- A delivery device, such as a nasal cannula
- Place the oxygen cylinder between the patient’s legs to prevent the cylinder from rolling around.
- Connect the cannula to the Oxygen regulator
- Turn oxygen on at 4L/M
- Place the nasal cannula prongs in the patient’s nose
- Wrap the cannula tubing around the patient’s ears and secure the cannula by sliding the adjustment under the patient’s chin
Oxygen should be delivered with properly sized equipment for the respective victims and appropriate flow rates for the delivery device we will use a nasal cannula.
A nasal cannula is a plastic tube, held in place over the victim’s ears, with two small prongs that are inserted into the victim’s nose. This device is used to administer oxygen to a breathing victim with minor breathing problems.
In the United States, oxygen cylinders are labeled “U.S.P.” and marked with a yellow diamond that says “Oxygen.” U.S.P. stands for United States Pharmacopeia and indicates the oxygen is to be used for medical purposes. In the United States, oxygen cylinders typically have green markings.
You Tube film on nasal cannula application:
“Applying Nasal Cannula.YOB
10 inch strings with 1 knots on each end are for ASK21 and Grob canopies
12 inch strings with 1 knot on one end are for 2-33 pitot tubes …
Use¾ inch circles to mount strings on ASK21 and Grob canopies.