To Become a Member of Caesar Creek Soaring Club —
Submit a completed membership application and the initiation fee to the crew chief on duty or mail it to Caesar Creek Soaring Club, Box 920, Waynesville, OH 45068. Prospective members can download the appropriate documents here:
- Membership Application – Revised Mar 2019
- Fee-Schedule 1-23
- Code of Regulations 6-18
- Uniform Operating Procedures – Revised Sep 2021
- Yellow Covered Training Record (currently available only as a paper document)
Membership Types and Costs —
Full Member
- Monthly Dues of $28
- Initiation Fee of $1000. It can be paid in full on joining, or $500 at joining and then five $100 monthly payments.
- New Aircraft Assessment – $10 per month
- CCSC membership requires a membership in the Soaring Society of America (SSA) which is $72. This is included as part of the yearly dues of the club.
- SSD Shares – At least twelve (12) shares in the Soaring Society of Dayton must be purchased at $100 per share. The full 12 shares may be purchased at the time of joining or over a period of time. At least one share must be purchased per year and is billed in April. Any member owning fewer than twelve shares is charged a fixed fee of $5 per month.
- Dependent children and spouses of Members may fly club aircraft, with appropriate FAA licenses and paper work, but must become Youth or Family Members, themselves, prior to achieving solo status.
Youth Member
- Shall be less than 21 years of age, and shall have all the rights of a Member, but is exempt from the share ownership requirements.
- Initiation Fee – $200.
Dues – $12 per month; $11 per month if the Youth Member owns at least one share in SSD.
- New Aircraft Assessment – $3 per month
Transition from Youth to Full Member
- No additional initiation fee is required when becoming a Member, but must begin paying Member dues.
- Share purchase requirement deferred for one year.
Family Member
- A spouse of an active Member may elect to become a Family Member. Dues are $12 per month.
Active Duty Military
- Must be on Active duty in the military but is exempt from the share ownership requirement.
- Initiation Fee – $75
- Dues – $28 per month
Limited Member
- SSA members who want to fly their own gliders at CCSC incur a $50 Tow Fee.
Additional Information —
Full membership is required to act as pilot in command (PIC) of a CCSC club aircraft. This requirement is not in any way related to FAA regulations about pilot authority but it is a consequence of our club insurance policy which is purchased through the national SSA organization. As such, we benefit from the SSA group insurance policy for clubs. We are a true club, a member service group that does not exist to make a profit and expects its members to help out anywhere they can. As such club members serve on a crew day once a month. Crew are assigned to cover one weekend day a month. Your crew day, which you can initially pick, will be on either a Saturday or Sunday during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th week of the month. Your crew day remains the same unless you request a change but we try to balance the load and keep the crew counts as even as possible. If you can not make your crew day, you are responsible for finding another member to take your place, usually in exchange for covering them at their next crew day. Serving on a crew day has many benefits, from getting to know members of the club to helping keep operation costs as low as possible. Visiting pilots may fly dual flights with a CCSC instructor under the same guidelines as introductory instructional flights.